15 best fitness tips for good health

 Leading a lifestyle that spells good health is a combination of different factors that includes exercise and eating right.

About a decade ago, for me, good health meant either being able to perform a certain exercise like bench press, running, etc. If you really want to assess your health, then you need to look at your overall health, which would mean mental, emotional and physical health. Here are 15 best fitness tips for good health - it's better to start as early as you can, and work on your health.

 Be active daily for mental health
Prolonged periods of inactivity are often the cause of anger, frustration, lethargy and depression. On the other hand, those who are active regularly experience a better mood, feel more energetic, and overall enjoy a better life.

Be active daily for physical health
Being active does not necessarily mean doing a 25km run daily, and nor does it necessarily mean squatting double your bodyweight daily. Even lighter activities like walking, swimming, yoga, playing with kids, cleaning up the house, riding a bicycle, etc are all examples of being active. For most people, intense activities like weight training, sprinting, etc should ideally be kept to about 3-5 times a week, and on the other days, lighter activity is recommended.

Strength train and lift heavy
Almost every month there seems to some study that comes out with the finding that strength training, including lifting heavy weights has multiple health benefits. Starting from weight management, increased energy levels, better glucose metabolism, etc there are many reasons why you must strength train. You can strength train by using your own bodyweight and lifting barbells, dumbbell, kettlebell, etc.

Do cardio
Now cardio does not necessarily mean doing painfully long and slow activities like distance jogging. It can also be done in a short time with intense activities like sprinting, circuit training, kickboxing, etc. Infact, the intense options seem to provide better results overall, in terms of cardio fitness, improving body composition, increasing growth hormone production, etc.

Maintain healthy bodyweight and bodyfat levels
The extra fat increases your chances of getting a heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Also, I would like to mention that extra bodyweight, even in the form of muscle is not necessarily healthy in the long run. Whether muscle or fat, the extra weight has to be carried around by your joints, and at a later age, that can really start telling on your joint health.

Check your BMI
A good way to calculate your ideal bodyweight is to use the BMI calculator. Now I know that a lot of people feel that the BMI is not an accurate way to measure ideal bodyweight, but in my opinion, unless someone has unnaturally huge muscles thanks to steroids, the BMI is a reasonably accurate calculator of one's ideal bodyweight. Again, it is not necessarily perfect, but is pretty close for most people.

Maintain ideal flexibility and mobility levels
Most people in their 20's have already lost a lot of flexibility that they had when they were 5 years old. So you can only imagine how much tighter they will get when they are in their 40's and 50's. The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way. You can improve your joint mobility and flexibility levels as long as you work on it. You should be able to touch your toes.
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Flexibility and mobility workouts
Start your workouts with 10-20 minutes of joint mobility work, and finish your workouts with 5-10 minutes of stretching, and focus more on your tight areas. You can also do mobility and flexibility work on your off days to get in extra activity and improve faster.

Eat a balanced diet
Our body relies on a variety of nutrients to function properly, and no matter how much someone might try to convince you that a particular food group needs to be avoided altogether, you will find that eating it, even if in small amounts, is better. For eg: without adequate carbs you will struggle to do intense workouts and perform well. Similarly a diet very high in protein can cause a lot of stress on your kidneys.

Eat a balanced diet
I would also suggest that you get your nutrients from a variety of sources. For example, don't just rely on chicken for your protein, eat fish, eggs, red meat, etc. Each source offers a different mineral and vitamin profile for you to take advantage of. And yes, don't forget to intake enough water for optimal health.

Limit junk food
Let's face it, we live in a society where we are surrounded by junk food, and trying to resist it all the time, including when we go out with friends and family is likely to drive you nuts. So once in a while your little indulgence will not kill you. In fact, many experts claim that if 80% of your calories are clean, then you can have some fun with the remaining 20%.


Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water in an Empty Stomach in Early Morning

Water is the most essential substances for everyone in this world. If we need to survive in this earth, water must be very important. As experts says that drinking water for at least 2 liters will help in making the human being more healthier and does not prone to attack diseases.

People may drink cold or normal water, but doctor advice is to drink warm water or hot water to get benefited more. There are more benefits of drinking hot water especially for skin, hair and health to lead a healthier and a happier lifestyle.

Here in the health tips blog, i am going to explain you the health benefits of drinking hot water empty stomach in morning.

Health benefits of drinking Hot or Warm Water for Health

1. Relief from Chronic Problems:

Lack of water in your body may result in chronic problems of constipation. Since the stool will get accumulated inside your body intestine and due to that the movement of bowel will become slow. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm or hot water daily in the morning in an empty stomach to avoid these problems.

2. Easy for Digestion:

Drinking cold water after the meal or lunch makes your consumed food hard. It hardens the oil present in our consumed foods and create a fat deposition on the intestine walls, which may lead to intestinal cancer in future. So drinking hot water will help you in accelerating your digestion and will lead a happier lifestyle.

3. Detoxification:

The biggest advantage of drinking hot water or warm water is detoxification of our body. When you have a problem of indigestion has a habit of drinking hot water, which helps in clearing everything. 

4. Weight Loss:

Drinking hot water will help you in losing your overall body weight. It promotes metabolism and helps in breaking down the adipose tissue which lies under the skin. Drinking hot water is the best thing in reducing the weight.

5. Excellent remedy for cold, cough & throat.

Drinking hot water or warm water is an excellent health tips in natural remedy for cough, sore throat and as well as cold.

6. Blood Circulation:

Drinking hot water helps in enhancing the circulation of blood. It helps in burring the body fat and break down the deposits which is present in nervous system.

7. Menstrual Cramps and Spasms:

Girls are requested to drink warm water or hot water during the menstrual periods which helps in soothing of the abdominal muscles and which in turns cures the spasms and cramps.

Health benefits of Drinking Hot or Warm Water for Skin

1. Drinking Hot water makes you Young:

Drinking hot water may helps you in keeping you young and youth. It helps in making you fresh throughout the day. It helps your skin from becoming rash, dryness and etc.

2. Keep away from pimple and acne.

Drinking hot can help your skin from acne, pimples and other skin problems. Read the article Skin Care Health Tips - Tips for a Healthy and Good Skin Care

Health benefits of Drinking Hot or Warm Water for Hair

1. Natural Growth of Hair.

Drinking hot water helps you in regular growth of your hair, and also fights against dandruff. It makes your hair more strength.


Benefits of Drinking Water in Empty Stomach in Early Morning

Here in this article I am going to explain you the benefits of drinking water in the early morning in an empty stomach.

Drinking water in the early morning is very important for one's health. That too drinking a liter of water in an empty stomach in the early morning is highly beneficial for the human body.

It is really a tough thing to drink water in an empty stomach in early morning as this would lead to vomiting sensation for everyone. But it is our duty to drink at least a liter of water in an empty stomach to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Initially we can drink a glass of water and after that one can increase the amount of water day by day.

As this the summer season, we need to maintain our healthy. The one way is by drinking water and making our body cool will help you in making you live a healthy life. Read more about Healthy Summer Tips - 10 Health Tips for a Healthy Summer here.

Benefits of Drinking Water in Empty Stomach in Early Morning

1. Drinking sufficient quantity of water in the early morning in empty stomach will keep your body clean and it reduces the number of diseases that attacks you.

2. Drinking more water will helps you in purifying the colon and also it helps our body in getting proper nutrients to each and every part.

3. Naturally doctor advice to drink more water at regular intervals, this will also makes your skin glow and you will be free from certain skin diseases like skin rash, dryness of the skin and etc. When person intake water, the toxins from the blood is automatically removed.

4. Drinking water also helps in reducing your total body weight.

5. After you drink water just do a simple yoga or warm up to make your body and mind relaxed. Don't try to eat. The Yoga helps you in reducing your body weight and also boosts your metabolism in a great way.

Hope every one would understand the benefits of drinking water in the early morning in an empty stomach and health tips for a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Healthy Summer Tips - 10 Health Tips for a Healthy Summer

As summer is nearing, it is our duty to follow some of the natural health tips for summer to make ourselves live a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Here in this article, i am going to post a few important tips for a healthy summer. I do hope this article will reach many of them and will get benefited.

Healthy Tips for a Healthy Summer:

1. Protect your skin:

It is very important to protect your skin from the direct Sun's UV, Ultra violet rays. You can use a sun-cream lotion for protecting your skin from the UV rays. Just consult your family doctors and get a good sun cream lotion that makes your skin not damage from the sun. Avoid being under sun for more number of hours. Just try to take your umbrella while going out and must apply to sun cream lotion on your skin to avoid skin problems like rashes, dryness and etc. Read more for Skin care health tips

2. Drink more water:

As this season is very hot, try to add more quantity of waters. Drinking water is very much helpful for the body that you will not be dehydrated quickly. Drinking less water may harm your body and you will get tired and could not concentrate on the work which you do.

3. Intake of Fruits:

Doctor's advice is to take as much as fruits. Intake of more fruits will help you in making you fresh throughout the day. Try to eat as much as fruits that have rich vitamins and minerals that help you making healthier day by day.

4. Exercise daily:

Instead of going to Gym and do a work out, you can do exercise by at home itself. Just try to practice yoga daily in the morning, while will help you in keeping you fresh throughout the day. Morning exercise will help you in making your mind relaxed and you will be concentrating more on the jobs.

5. Swim daily:

As this season is so hot, you can practice yourself in getting wet, by going to swim daily for 10 to 15 minutes. This will make you fresh and will help you in blood circulation.

6. Usage of Olive Oil:

As you all know that Olive oil is rich in fatty acids, which helps your skin from UV damages. Apply in your body that moisture your body and loses heat and sweat in the summer season.

7. Protect your Hair:

Make use of the anti-chlorine shampoo which will help you neutralizing the chlorine content from your hair. If possible don’t use the heating products. 

8. Fill your ice-box:

As the sun is beating down, you need to fill your ice box with full of ice, bottled water, yoghurts etc.

9. Gardening:

Try to change your hobby as summer started. A healthy tips to cool your body in this summer season is Gardening. Practice yourself in planting some herbs and watering daily. This will make your be more relaxed.

10. Avoid Alcohol:

Avoid using coffee, beverages and other alcoholic drinks. Just make soft drinks which contain rich minerals and vitamins that will help you in making you cool.

Friends, i hope this article on Health tips for a healthy summer will be more beneficial for the users.


Health Tips for a Healthy Eyes

As all of us know that our eyes is the very important organ of our health. It is our duty to protect our eyes and to keep them healthy and make yourself sure what you are seeing is the best. Here in this post i am going to explain you few of the health tips for maintaining the healthy eyes.

Eye Health Tips - Simple Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes

1. Add good food:

It is the add some good food in your plate for protecting your eyes. Many scientist have said that nutrients like lutein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin c, vitamin e, zinc may help in clear vision of the eyes. So people should intake these nutrients to make their eyes a healthy one.

2. Wear Sunglasses:

Try to protect your eyes with good sunglasses from the Sun's UV rays. Too much of direct exposure to ultra violet rays may leads to cataracts, damage of optic nerves and as well as muscular degenerations.

3. Quitting or Stop Smoking:

Regular smoking will lead to cataracts, damage of optic nerves and as well as muscular degenerations.

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Health Tips

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes Naturally - Say No To Smoke

4. Use of Safety Eye-wear at Work, Home:

Wearing eye protections like helmets, while driving the vehicle. Try to use the protective goggles every time at your workplace or home.

5. Maintain distance while you work before computers for Good and healthy eye.

If you are going to work in front of computers for hours don't stare your computers for more than 20 minutes. It will lead to eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes, headaches and etc. Instead you relax your eyes after every 20 minutes.

6. Visit the doctor regularly for healthy eye.

It is advised to meet the doctors and have a check for your eyes regularly to avoid problems like blurry vision, cataracts etc.


Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Health Tips

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Smoking is really bad for your health. But if you can quit the smoking, then your life will be better.
Here in this post, i am going to tell you some important points and benefits of quitting the smoking and how it can be lead to a healthy lifestyle. The post deals with

Health Tips and the health benefits of stopping smoking.

1. Smoking Smell:

If you smoke, then your clothes, home, will smells very bad. This will make you away from your family and friends. Just try to follow these health tips and avoid the smoking and makes your lifestyle a better in future along with your families and friends.

2. No more chronic cough:

We all know that every people who smoke will cough more. Due to this the throat will get problem and drying between tongue and stomach.

3. Improve fertility:

If you are going to quit the smoking, then it helps in improving the lining of the worm and will help in increasing the men's sperm count and more potent.

4.Looks like young:

Stopping or quitting smoking will helps in making you young and your wrinkles will be good.The skin of the people who quits smoking will get more nutrients and oxygen.

5. Whiter teeth:

Your teeth will become whiter when you stop smoking.

6. Better Breathing:

People who quits smoking will breathe more easily and comfortably.

7. Less Stress:

The scientific shows that peoples who quits smoking are prone to lower stress.

8. More Energy:

Your blood circulation will be increased if you stop smoking. Quitting also helps in increasing your immune system.


How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes Naturally - Say No To Smoke

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes Naturally - Say No To Smoke

Hi friends, now i am going to present a article on how to quit smoking naturally. In this post i am going to tell you few important health tips.

Whether if you are a young age or an aged person, decided to quit or stop smoking by naturally, then you need to learn about your options and try to prepare quitting smoke. Take a pen and paper and prepare the process of quitting the smoke by naturally.

Ask questions to yourself.

First of all you need to think of what kind of smoking person you are. In which moment or time do you find yourself in smoking cigarette and also find the reason behind it. This will help you in quitting smoke easily.

A) After your meal do you wish to smoke.?
B) Are you a smoker in social.?
C) When you are in tension, do you try to smoke.?
D) Do you feel smoking when you are in places with peoples.?

Here are few steps that you need to follow to quit smoking by nature.

1. Fix the date of quitting.
2. Inform the same to your circles nearby.
3. Try to remove the cigarettes from your home or workplace.
4. Plan for challenges that you will face while quitting of smoke.
5. Tell your family doctor that you have decided to quit smoking.

Few of the tips for smoking triggers.

Alcohol : Many people would try to use cigarettes while they do smoke. Just you can stop drinking alcohol or you can drink in places where smoking is strictly prohibited.

Inform your Friends : When you are with the friends, or family and if they do smoking try to inform to them earlier that you have taken steps to quit smoking.

End of Lunch : If you have the habit of smoking after lunch, then try to have some healthy desserts or fruits.


How to Choose a Good Psychiatrist or Psychologist

No one can choose the best Psychiatrist for the first time itself. It is toughest thing in choosing the right Psychiatrist, since you are going to share your thoughts with that Psychiatrist personally. Also you need to be comfortable with them.

Here I am going to give you some tips in choosing a good Psychiatrist for you.

  1. Initially you need to talk to the doctor comfortably without any hesitation and check out what kinds of treatment they may use on us. You need to be very much in particular with the Psychiatrist treatments.
  2. Get suggestions from your family doctor that you were in search of a good Psychiatrist to consult. Since the doctors would be knowing best Psychiatrist or he may be having more contacts with the other doctors. This referral will be very good for you and as well as for the Psychiatrist you are going to take treatments. The advantages are that the Psychiatrist will be having your medical history which he will be collecting from your family doctors. This will help you in saving time for early appointments.

  3. Check for the Psychiatrist credentials beforehand to make you clear that you are going with the right person in sharing your personal thoughts.
  4. Just sit and talk with the Psychiatrist and spend some time for knowing more about him and his nature of work and other things that are all needed for you in advance. You should not feel after that you chosen the wrong person for your treatments.
  5. Also the Psychiatrist should be acceptable to your medical insurance company. Before that it is best enough to make a call to the insurance company and ask for the procedures and the Psychiatrist nearby your locality. They will be providing you the list and with that you can manage in choosing the best Psychiatrist or psychologist.
I do hope that people would love my blog, and i love to have more comments here. Thanks.


Skin Care Health Tips - Tips for a Healthy and Good Skin Care

Skin Care Health Tips

As the world is moving very fast, most people don't find to take care of their skin. Good skin care can help you in making us a young.

Here in my blog, i am interested in sharing few of the most important tips for making your skin a healthy one.

"Health Tips - Tips for a Healthy and Good Skin Care"

1. Protect your skin from Sun.

Protecting your body skin from the direct sunlight is the most important thing you need to consider. If you could spend most of your timing under sunlight then your skin will become very dry, wrinkles will be formed, you will be very much aged. I have read in a article that we need to avoid directly sun light to our body to lower the skin cancer.

A few ways to avoid direct sunlight are usage of sunscreen lotions, Avoid going under the sun in the afternoon timing when the sun rays are very stronger, cover your body with tightly woven and long sleeved shirts and pants to avoid direct sun.

2. Stop Smoking

Continuous smoking makes your skin looks aged and the wrinkles will be formed. Doctor says that smoking damages collagen and elastic in a human body. Also your lips will form wrinkles when you inhale it continuously. If you could not stop smoking consult a good doctor and take their advise.

3. Make your skin gentle

Try to make your skin gently by following the below tips.
  • Use warm water for making your skin soft. Try using very hot water.
  • Use good shaving cream for shaving and also use lotions or gel before shaving
  • Avoid using the strong soaps.
  • If you feel your skin is dry, try to use moisturizing cream.
4. A Healthy and Proper Diet.

Try to eat more quantity of vegetables, fruits, and protein products. Also try to eat foods which are having high vitamins and minerals.

5. Try to be relaxed.

Avoid stresses which helps in making your skin healthier.

For more information on health tips, check my blog. http://healthy-tips-for-a-healthy-lifestyle.blogspot.com/

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10 tips to feeling happier now

Are you happy? It’s such an important question that British Prime Minister David Cameron recently created a national happiness index to check on how Brits feel. Even Facebook is measuring the Gross National Happiness of its members.

We’re asking because happiness has a huge impact on your health, from your arteries to your heart, from the glow in your skin to the pep in your step.

Happy feelings influence your brain and body chemistry in ways that make you better able to cope with pain and stress, and to fend off colds, flu, heart disease, even cancer. The effects of happiness on your health can be even bigger than the effect of quitting smoking. If you’re happy, you’ll likely live longer and definitely live younger!

And here’s the thing: Being happy isn’t just luck. You can make yourself happier, day in, day out. Here are 10 ways to get started:

1. Listen to music. Whether you love Bach or the Beastie Boys, music that makes you feel good increases your heart and breathing rates, and makes your brain release dopamine, a lovely feel-good neurotransmitter.

2. Hang out with upbeat friends. Your chances of happiness increase by 15 per cent if someone in your immediate social circle is happy.

3. Take a joy break. Don’t worry if you’re among the 80 per cent who say their job doesn’t thrill them. Even a few minutes of doing something you love (singing, hiking, watching a sunset) can reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

4. Talk nice to yourself. Is your inner voice quick to snap out things like: “How could you forget that, you idiot?” Trade put-downs for encouraging words; you can do this. They set you up for success.

5. Connect. Talk, really talk, to people you care about; connecting is good for you both. Get physical, too: Hugs stimulate oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” giving you a feel-good boost. Lovemaking does, too, in steady relationships (those couples report the highest happiness levels).

6. Keep a gratitude journal. Simply writing down what you’re thankful for makes you healthier and more optimistic.

7. Don’t sit around. Physical activity is a significant happiness booster. Get moving for 30 minutes a day.

8. Meditate. We do. It eases stress, improves sleep, strengthens immunity and measurably increases happiness (in one study, by 20 points on a scale of 100).

9. Help others. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital or shelter. Giving back adds more meaning, which is essential to happiness in your life.

10. Go outside. Spending time with Mother Nature makes you feel alert, enthusiastic, full of energy and, simply, happy.


Daily Health Tips - Top 5 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle for Living

Nutrition is one of the important factor that we need to consider in our daily life for happy living. Nutrition makes us to live in this world. So we need to have proper balanced nutrition in our health for proper running of our health. So i am here explaining you the most 5 nutrition tips for living a health life in today's world.

Top 5 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle for Living

1. Add more Vegetables with your food.
2. Have at-least one fruit that will strengthen your body and gives more energy for healthier living.
3. Check for the nutrition and protein bars while you purchase.

4. Take more proteins products.
4. Drink more water and Walk daily for few hours.


Bone and Joint Health - Helpful tips

Almost one in three of them were suffering from chronic bone and joint pain.

Here are few of the helpful tips for bone and joint health.

1. Try to reduce the weight - You know extra body weights can cause strain on our joints especially in the knee portion. Losing a minimum of 10 pounds of body weight can help you in reducing the pain.

2. Stretch Prior to Exercising - Every day people used to go to Gym for exercising and for work outs. Before you need to start heavy workouts, they need to stretch and warm up the tendons. Since body building and weight lifting can cause problems on tendons.

3. Warm up - Every day warm up must be done in order to make muscles loosen up and works better.

4. Change your exercise - Instead of going for kick boxing, it is better to practice Yoga and other water based exercise.

5. Try avoiding over exercise - Our muscles, tendons, ligaments and other muscles needs rest and if we do heavy work outs then these may loose their strengthen and will cause problems.

6. Change your positions - If you are going to work continuously in the same place and you need to change your position. Getting up from that place and have a little walk will help you in keeping your bodies in shape.

7. Shoe evaluation - Practice yourself in using proper footwear in order to avoid the bone and joint health. Most of the women were wearing high heals and these people tends to have bone and joint pain in their early age itself. Try to use comfort shoes and the doctors recommend as well.

Hope people love this article on bone and joint and the helpful tips from me.

The well recommended doctors for bone and joint is Dr. Srinivasan from Sai ortho care, a specialist bone and joint hospitals in Chennai.


Faster Weight Loss Through Speeding Up Your Metabolism?

Tips on How to Increase your Metabolism for Better Weight Loss The internet abounds in resources on how to lose weight. Sleeping has nothing to do with weight loss. Staying awake at night is the last thing you should do if you’re trying to lose weight. Just because you’re not moving when you’re asleep, it doesn’t mean that you’re putting on weight. However, studies have shown that making sure you get a good night’s sleep every night weighed about five pounds less than those who did not. This is because staying up late at night every night or even most nights can actually slow down your metabolism. This gets in the way of your body being able to use your food for energy, so it ends up getting stored as fat.

High levels of stress can affect your thyroid gland that keeps your hormone levels where they should be.

With a slow metabolism you can gain weight and even be depressed. By relaxing and doing activities you enjoy, you will keep your weight at a healthy level. So many of us are in such a rush in the morning, that we forget to eat breakfast and many of us think that it is only extra calories anyway. A healthy breakfast will speed up your body’s system of processing food and it will also boost your much-needed energy for the day. Some people find breakfast foods unappetizing, or they’re in a hurry and skip breakfast altogether; this could be okay. An hour after waking up and not later, eat something healthy, though. This will help you to have better weight loss results and be happier as well. In your workplace, try to move around a lot if it’s possible; shake a leg, too, instead of sitting at your desk the whole day.

This will not only help you shed off some pounds, keep fresh blood pumping to your heart, but keep you in good health as well. A good practice is to take a walk on your lunch break and get up from your desk every hour or so, and stretch a few times as you take deep breaths. We feel pressured and harassed in the modern world we live in that we don’t seem to have time for taking care of ourselves. Here I have presented you with some simple tips on habits that can increase your metabolism rate in order to lose weight. These are no-sweat tips not only on how to shed off unwanted pounds but also promote a happier and healthier lifestyle for you. Always bear in mind that your weight has a lot to do with your general health.

Weight loss can be as simple as increasing your metabolism rate.