Successful working lunch

Hi Everyone! Hows your Wednesday treating you?

Thanks for your comments on the last post, its really interesting that a couple of you were vegetarian for a while and then came back to meat again. I did have a brief period of being a veggie when I was a teenager but it wasn't long lived! It also sounds like some of you have much worse weather than I have, although I think its on its way down to us in North East England.

I had a fab breakie this morning - Nectarine Yoghurt Mess made with grape nuts, brown rice puffs, quinoa flakes, ground flax and flaked almonds mixed with greek yoghurt and topped with a chopped juicy nectarine and a little bit of agave. It tasted great: chewy, crunchy and sweet.

Mid morning I grabbed a quick apple while getting down to work.

We were having to meet some people for a working lunch so we ended up going to a local pub. I was in a bit of a panic to be honest (especially after the last time I ate out with work - giant pizza alert!) but I made the decision that I was going to choose a healthy option, no matter what everyone else was ordering. I ended up going for a sweet chilli beef tortilla wrap with a side salad. It was quite nice but I thought it had too much sugary sauce in it. Everyone else ordered huge toasted sandwiches with chips so I was very glad to have gone for a healthier option. I didn't take a photo as we were with other people so didn't want to have to explain the whole blog thing to them! I also had a couple of cups of coffee and a little dark mint after dinner type chocolate. I was glad that I didn't have a really large meal as I hate that sleepy afternoon thing you get when you eat loads of carbs at lunch!

Before I left work for the gym I had a little cherry bakewell baby as a bit of pre workout fuel.

When I was eating this I was trying to think how I could get the cherry flavour in there without using the cocktail cherries and the associated sugar and artifical nasties. Then I remembered about Nakd Cherry Raisins! I haven't had these in a while, they are raisins infused with a natural cherry flavour, they would work so well in these babies! I'll give them ago the next time I make these and will report back!

I hit the gym for my normal cardio interval workout, I did 15 mins each on the treadmill, cross trainer, bike and step machine followed by 3 sets of my usual abs exercises. I don't know what was with me today but the workout felt really hard going. I'm going to have to get my energy back for next week as I am due to increase my resistance levels and speeds in line with my refreshed April training plan!

When I got home I was absolutely starving but since I had a bigger lunch than usual I opted for more of my delicious Courgette and Watercress soup.

Followed by a fruit salad of two very ripe nectarines and a kiwi fruit.

Followed by a bowl of chocolate orange protein goo! I felt like I needed to make sure I got some protein in my system to help my muscles recover after my workout. I really love this, I make a bowl of it last for ages while I watch TV and the natural orange flavouring I add reminds me of orange smarties!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, soda water / sparkling mineral water, coffee

I've just remembered that tomorrow is my last day at work before the Easter break, yey! I can not wait for the long weekend, I feel like I really need the break at the moment. Well I'm off to crash in my bedroom with the laptop to read a few bloggies and generally chill with the Hubby! Hope everyones week is going well, and fingers crossed this horrible weather we're having in the U.K. will sort itself out ready for the weekend!

And just to let you know - I have added a recipes page to the top of the blog if anyones interested. I'm just linking back to some old posts when I have given a more detailed recipe for something. It has a few links on there already but I'll be adding more to it as I go along. Hope you find it useful. I know I will, I always forget what I put into recipes and then can't remember how to recreate things! Enjoy x