Pizza Pizza
First things first:
Hell yes! I finally got my hands on some peanut flour! I adore peanut butter so much I just had to try some of this stuff. I can’t wait to add it to smoothies and well, pretty much everything else! I ordered this from the states at a daft price but I’m hoping its worth it. Its basically peanut butter in powdered form – so less fat and calories but lots of yumminess.
Anyway back to business! Yesterday I had a dentist appointment after work so I moved my workout to the am. As my gym doesn’t open early on a Thursday I replaced my planned upper body weights and HIITs session with Davina Top fit from the Davina Fit DVD. I used my biggest weights for as many of the moves as possible to try and ensure I got a good workout!
Breakfast was inspired by Tam’s beetroot smoothies. This contained spring greens, romaine, cooked beets, frozen banana, chocolate sun warrior protein powder, home made coconut milk, matcha green tea, mesquite, ground flax and xanthan gum. I topped it with some granola, pistachios and dried strawberries:
Holy yum, this was thick and creamy just how I like it!
Lunch was another hummus topped salad beast with a pear and orange:
After the dentist I decided to try out my new yoga DVD:
I was very impressed with this, it was a very similar flow to what we used to do in my Ashtanga class but at a quicker pace and a more manageable length, loved it!
Dinner was leftovers from Wednesday evenings ‘Buddha bowl’ – quinoa with kidney beans, pepper, courgette and parsley – I added some steamed broccoli to the mix and served some steamed spring greens on the side. I added some sesame oil, shoyu and herbamare:
So tasty, the sesame oil was a great addition! Dessert was an old favourite: a couple of chopped apples with maca and cinnamon.
This morning I popped to the gym for a quick 1 hour workout – 45 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer, step machine and bike followed by my abs and core. Breakfast was amazing! I had been planning to make a breakfast socca wrap but ended up with something even better – a breakfast socca pizza!
The socca turned out quite thick so instead of using it as a wrap I just spread my toppings on like a pizza – cashew butter, apple, raisins and cinnamon with a vanilla chai coconut coffee (vanilla coffee with a chai tea bag and home made coconut milk – fabulous!) Lunch was a bowl of my spicy black eye pea soup followed by something I haven’t had in years – a papaya:
I picked this up from the green grocers in town after my work meeting along with some other fab produce including medjool dates, diakon, radicchio and Japanese spinach. I chopped it up and added some lime juice – so wonderfully fresh tasting!
Mid afternoon I took advantage of working from home and therefore being near my juicer and made a big green juice. This was a particularly lovely mix of 2 pears, celery, romaine, cucumber, broccoli and ginger:
Dinner was pizza no 2! I topped a Biona organic spelt pizza base with tomato passata, red onion, shredded radicchio, green pepper and a couple of slices of vegan mozzarella cheese. When it was out of the oven I added some olives. I served it up with a big salad of lettuce and carrot with braggs:
This was delicious, gotta love pizza!
Dessert was some Conscious raw chocolate in essential orange:
This was lovely as always, the truffle like soft texture is heavenly!
I’ve really enjoyed my two pizza’s today. What’s your favourite pizza topping? For me the more veggies the better!
I’m happy that the weekend has rolled around again, I’m just hoping that the bad weather holds off so I can get in my scheduled outdoor run! I’m also back out on the hunt for a car again, wish me luck!
Hope you all have a great weekend!