Total Greek Yoghurt Split Pot Review

A couple of weeks ago I was kindly sent some of the new Total Greek Yoghurt Split Pots to review:


As I don’t like to eat too much dairy, especially non organic (I’ll mention more on this later) I shared some of these out with my work colleagues too, as I thought their opinion on the product could be quite interesting.

I tried each of the different varieties:









Each variety has a different fruity compote or honey alongside some 0% fat Greek yoghurt. Each pot contains around less than 130 calories apart from the honey variety which has 167 calories.

As the pics above show, I enjoyed some of them just as snacks straight from the pot but I also tried a couple as part of a larger meal with fruit etc.

My first impression with each of these was how sweet they are. The compotes do contain sugar along with the other natural ingredients, and even with the yoghurt to balance the sweetness out I did find it a little too much for me. I also found the compotes to be a little ‘artificial’ tasting although once you had a few spoonfuls they tasted a lot more pleasant. The honey pot was a real surprise as I was not expecting the honey to be set, this was actually quite nice though.

My work colleagues who also tried the pots absolutely loved them! I think it could be the case that because I don’t eat a lot of sugar I find things sweeter than other people.

These do make fantastic little snacks and the protein from the yoghurt should ensure that the sugar in the fruit compotes doesn’t leave you with a sugar crash. I did enjoy them more when pairing them with fresh fruit – the strawberry one with apple and grape nuts cereal tasted lovely!

The Total Spilt Pots are currently available at Waitrose.

So would I buy these myself? Although I did enjoy them I have to be honest and say no. I would much prefer to buy Totals other products as I reviewed here. I am a huge fan of Total Plain Greek Yoghurts, particularly the 2% fat which is just gorgeous and would rather buy a big tub of that and add my own fresh fruit with no added sugar.

The Organic Question

I have mentioned a few times that when I do eat dairy I prefer to go for organic. I know that some people would argue organic certification may not result in a better quality product or better welfare standards, to be honest I really need to spend some time doing my own research into this so I’m better informed. I asked the representative from Total if they had any plans to develop organic products. Here is her response:

‘Our product is made in Greece and in Greece they don’t acknowledge the need to certify their produce as organic - because the issue of Genetically Modified food is not a problem over there (as it is in the UK). This is because the methods of dairy farming in Greece are much more natural!’

So there we have it, that does make me feel a bit more comfortable in eating my favourite 2% Total Greek every now and again.

Have you tried the Total Greek Yoghurt Split Pots? Are you a fan of spilt pot yoghurts?