Green goodness and Brighton wish list
Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying your weekend! I thought I’d drop in with a quick post before I leave for Brighton tomorrow. Today has been spent pottering around the house attempting to get myself organised!
I started the day with great 10 mile run. I enjoyed a few of the most gorgeous medjool dates to fuel up (dates = my rocket fuel). I did 10 miles in 1.27 with an average pace of 8.42, considering the crazy DOMS in my butt from yesterdays strength workout I was pretty happy!
Just as I was coming home I met the postman who had a parcel for me:
The folks at iHerb sent me some goodies! Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter, Kashi Strawberry Fields Cereal and some Bob Red Mills Veggie Soup Mix. Big thanks to iHerb for this, they are a great company, I don’t know what I’d do without them to feed my addictions! Don’t forget you can get $5 off your first order with code AGA105 if you fancy placing an order, the airmail option is quite reasonable and reliable!
Once I’d stretched I made a modified Tutti Fruity green smoothie with red lettuce, kale, spring greens, frozen banana, mango, strawberries and blueberries, coconut water, strawberry hemp protein powder, maca, mesquite, barley grass powder, ground flax and the gums for added thickness. I topped it with some PB&Co Mighty Maple peanut butter sauce, gojis and choc covered sunflower seeds:
Delicious! I’ve been making up a little pot of nut butter sauce using 2-3 tbsp of nut butter (rather than the usual 1 tbsp) mixed with hot water to make sure I’m getting those calories in, especially after runs. I just keep on adding more sauce on top as I eat through the smoothie!
Lunch was a big salad of cos lettuce, red lettuce, carrot, sugar snaps, red onion, cucumber, red pepper and some of that gorgeous sabra hummus watered down a bit into a dressing:
Yum! Today’s eats have been exceptionally high on the greens and veggies, I bought a little more than I needed yesterday, and with me going away they need to be eaten (James won’t eat them unless I cooked them for him!) I decided to make up a super green juice:
Cucumber, celery, broccoli, lemon and ginger, that’s a whole litre of green goodness!
I also made a veggie packed fried rice dish for dinner with leftover brown rice, edamame, broccoli, courgette, red pepper, carrot and sugar snap peas. I added ginger, chilli, shoyu and ume vinegar:
For something so simple this was delish! To use up more greens I made another green smoothie for dessert! This was spinach, cos lettuce, frozen cherries, cocoa powder, ice, water, stevia and peanut flour sauce and freeze dried berries on top:
Lovely, this tasted like a giant bowl of dark chocolate! With all the greens I’ve eaten today I should be full of energy ready for my 4am start in the morning, well that or we’ll be making a lot of toilet stops ;-)
I also spent some time in the kitchen this morning making these beauties to take down to Brighton with me:
Strawberry and Coconut Oaty Buttery Bars! My very own recipe and they taste fab, I had one today (for quality control of course) and they are so lovely – recipe to come!
Well I am now all packed and ready for the 6 hour drive to Brighton in the morning – I’ve packed some foodie bits and pieces, plus lots of magazines to take with me:
Cartons of chocolate and vanilla soy milk, snack bars, nut butter sachets, lemons, Natural Health, Women’s Running, Body Fit, Living Etc and Elle magazines, and yes they cost a bomb but I love my mags!
I love visiting Brighton for all its quirky little shops and great vibe. I’m especially excited to be visiting Brighton as a mostly vegan as they have a wonderful range of veggie friendly eating options, I can’t wait to try them out!
As I said in yesterdays post, I’m going down with my Mam and Dad and James is staying home as he couldn’t take the time off work. Although I’m obviously going to miss him, it is giving me the opportunity for some quality ‘me’ time. I’m planning on a few seaside runs, lots of yoga, a couple of blogger meet ups and even possibly a guided meditation class. I just can’t wait, all I need now is some sunshine :-)
As I did when I visited last year, I have a wish list of things I’d like to get while I’m there:
1. Jewellery, particularly bracelets which I am loving right now! 2. workout gear – I really need to update my workout clothing, especially considering how much time I spend in it! Sweaty Betty looks like it has a good sale on at the mo so I might check that out 3. Scented candles – there’s a shop in Brighton called Abode that sell the loveliest organic plant based scented candles and I’m looking forward to stocking up. 4. I’m due a to upgrade my iPhone 3GS to a iPhone 4 soon and I’d love a Cath Kidson case like this! 5. I will be visiting Bert’s in Brighton which sell a funky range of kitchen ware, I’d really like some new plates etc, will be great for my food photography! 6. Montezuma Chocolate – I love this chocy and there’s a big shop in Brighton so I will be treating myself! 7. I’m desperate for some new shoes, especially flats that actually fit my wide size 8 feet!
I’ll also be stopping by old favourites including Infinity Foods. I’ll probably end up with a few other things as well, I just love the shops in Brighton!
Well I am going to head off to bed ready for my early start in the morning. I’ll probably drop in over the next few days if I have time to say hi :-)
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week too!